The second Sunday of Lent in which we read about the Transfiguration of Jesus is very special to me, because it gives us hope, because it encourages us and makes us want to press forward regardless of how crappy we sometimes feel about everything in our lives, because it reminds us there’s glory awaiting for us at the end of the tunnel, if we face and embrace the realities of everyday life struggles with persevering and enduring faith. Yes, the scripture readings remind us that there’s glory at the end and that we’re asked to embrace our crosses with that same trust Abraham had in God’s promises. There will be times in life we’re challenged to trust what we couldn’t understand. Let’s also keep our eyes open to the many transfigurations taking place all around us and within us. God uses each one of us, broken and wounded we may be, as His vehicles of grace. And when we’re having a hard time accepting that, let’s put it in our hearts that nothing we can do puts us beyond the mercy and salvation of God. Click here to listen.