Every first Sunday of Lent, the devil makes his annual visit to our Catholic parishes. The gospel reading narrates Satan tempting Jesus in the desert. Even the Son of God is not exempt from temptations. The devil represents our constant struggles and failures. His presence in the gospel reading forces us to look at our ugliness: Why do we do what we do? Why cannot we seem to give our lives more fully to God? When we know this or that is wrong, why do we still do it? Why are we, seemingly good, decent people, capable of harboring and doing evil at the same? Lent is about re-evaluating our lives, our priorities, the choices we are making. Lent is about humbling ourselves and recognizing our sins and our need for God’s mercy and forgiveness. The devil may be “welcome” today for a visit, but he cannot stay and linger too long and make himself at home right here in our hearts. The scripture readingsĀ for this first Sunday of Lent recommend some measures to help us avoid the devil’s grip on our lives. Click here to listen.